Log in to Moodle for the Graduate Theological Union
Is this your first time here?
To access Moodle, use your school-assigned e-mail address.
If you cannot login, use the "Forgotten username or password" link above and search by e-mail address only.
Changing your password in other systems (e-mail or student information system) does not change it in Moodle.
If you need assistance logging into your Moodle account please contact moodle@gtu.edu
Moodle Password Policy:
Passwords must be at least 9 characters long.
Passwords may not contain your user name or any part of your full name.
Passwords must contain characters from the following 4 character sets:
1. Upper case letters (i.e. A, B, C, etc.)
2. Lower case letters (i.e. x, y, z, etc.)
3. Numbers (i.e. 0, 1, 2, etc.)
4. Non-alphanumeric or “special” characters (i.e. @, &, *, etc.)
Passwords automatically expire every six months and you will be required to choose a new password at that time. You may not reuse your last five passwords.
SFTS students, in order to access Moodle you must log in with your Redlands.edu address. You can no longer use your SFTS@edu address to sign into Moodle.